If you are missing using the comfy bolsters at the shed, here is a really quick way to make one at home. What you need: 1 Pair of trousers with wide or baggy legs 2 pieces of rope /string/wool(I got mine from a trendy shopping bag - it had rope handles) 1 pillow
Hi ladies,
It's been a different week for us at the shed. We had to make the decision to close down our face to face activities, along with many other people in our community it has been a time of stress for a lot of our volunteers and members. In order to keep some sense of community and to look after our wellbeing we decided to trial running our activities online. I'm pretty sure most of us had fairly low expectations of going online, but these sessions have really been the highlight of my week. We have managed to run pilates, meditation, yoga and the vocal group and we will be continuing to offer activities online where we can. On Saturday at 7.30 you can attend Abbey's moving meditation class -using the Nishino method for free. We are also still running the 'Path to Self Love' class with Hannah Hempenstall from 9am. I really want to thank the volunteers, facilitators and members that have accommodated this change in our delivery - we have all gained skills in online socialising that will come in useful over the next few months. We may even be able to offer more classes! If you are concerned about your IT skills we have also been running 'have a go ' training sessions with our preferred software - it's a chance to try it out without the pressure of a class starting. Please keep checking our weekly roster page or bookings page to see what you can join us for. Stay safe and well, Nell UPDATE: We urgently need people to start working on the visors as stocks are running low. We have been contacted by a local group organising collection of masks and no-sew visors made for local GP surgeries, which will reduce the demand for the other masks. This group has given us instructions on what they want making and also the infection protocol that needs to be followed. They are looking at how to collect items with the minimum social interaction. If you intend to help, please review this infection control training https://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/covid-19-infection-control-training?fbclid=IwAR0-pPBOX6qU40G2pW4kangbnVigYD1WtBPIGhEDPVj3CUBD1lgyUdys7ps You can join a facebook group specifically for the local group here : https://www.facebook.com/groups/makeforvictory You can ask questions directly to the organisers via the facebook group. Here are the two patterns the Sunshine Coast group have suggested- more details on collection to follow:
PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ANYTHING IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS OR ARE IN A 14 DAY WINDOW WAITING TO SEE IF SYMPTOMS DEVELOP. For more info please contact the Facebook group or email us (details below) We have also been contacted by several people interested in helping to make or source additional protective equipment. If you are a sewer there are projects for all levels. Please join the Aussie Mask Project facebook group as they are providing a coordinated national response, and they need people to start sewing yesterday! All that craft stuff you have been stashing? Now is your chance to do something helpful AND keep your self busy at home.
Good evening ladies!
We have been following advice on how we can carry on with the fun and follow government guidelines. Now, we aren't exactly tech wizards but we have been having a play with our options today with Narelle and Simone (pictured above with Cedar her pup). We have decided that we are going to trial our regular Monday classes online tomorrow. This means you can login in from home on a computer or mobile device and join us - we have even allowed a bit of time each side of the class to help you get set up or have a cuppa and a chat. The classes tomorrow will be FREE for members and limited to 10 spots. If the classes work we will be charging $10 for these online classes in the future so that we can continue to support our facilitators. Wear comfy clothes and find a space you can be comfy. You can book here, it's our normal online booking system: Narelle's pilates class is opening at 9.50am for a 10am start, stay for coffee after if you want, book here : https://coolumwomensshed.as.me/?appointmentType=12782462 Simone's class meditation class is will open at 6.15pm for a 6.30 start -bring your decaffeinated chai , book here : https://coolumwomensshed.as.me/?appointmentType=12776569 Now we know this isn't the same as being together, but this is a perfect opportunity to support our teachers and learn to use an essential tool. If it works we will be able to run other classes, our book club, other workshops - we can even just have a coffee and a chat together. We think it's really important to keep our community together. For the pilates trial we ask that you need to have attended Narelle's class previously, because she won't be able to make the adjustments that she normally does. What happens after I book? Check your email tomorrow for details of how to attend the meeting. Try and give yourself 15 minutes to get set up if this is your first time using Zoom. You will probably be asked to download some software and create and account. Zoom is the 'google' of online meetings, and very reputable. We will be online early to keep an eye and help you though the process. What about other classes? We will see how the trial goes tomorrow and decide what the best options are. Anyone that needs a refund will be provided with one. Hi all, At the time of writing many events and activities have been cancelled. Many people are being asked to work from home. This update is a response to the changing requirements around social distancing. that were announced today. We have spoken to some members and coordinators who are happy to continue activities at the shed, and therefore we are implementing the following guidelines:
Whatever the next few months throw at us, we know that we are lucky to have come so far and we will find a way to sustain our community :-)
xxx *We know that not everyone loves our booking system, and this is under review. However we can assure you that all online payments are taken via a third party accredited secure payment processor with the appropriate security in place. Hello sheddies! We have had another great week at the shed. Did you join us for any of the fun?
On Tuesday we had a really great start to our 'Talking Money' group with Martine. It started with a discussion on the markets in the wake of what has been happening, and moved through discussions of balanced funds, super, pensions, wills. Rather than a formal presentation, Martine did a great job giving her insights and answering the questions that came up. We got some great tips from other members about what we need to think about. It was interesting talking to women at different lifestages and getting advice from other members who had already been through it. All in all, very thought provoking and we are looking forward to our next meetup in a month or so. Tuesday evening saw the first meetup of our new singing group. I have to say I was shocked to turn up, running late as usual (!) and find so many women waiting to come in - usually the rain keeps our members away, but not this time! (PS sorry for being late!!) (PPS sorry for all the exclamation marks !!!!!). After a cuppa and introducing ourselves, Erica took us though some vocal exercises and then we belted out some tunes including Rockin Robin, Chiquitita and Lean on Me. It turns out that a lot of us don't know Chiquitita except for the chorus, and it's v e r y s l o w in parts which made for some very interesting muscial arrangements ;-). I can't tell you if we were any good but at least Erica didn't run away crying! Another member, Ali has volunteered to help coordinate the group with Erica - thank you ladies, can't wait to see you next time! The vocal group runs fortnightly on a Tuesday evening. Hi everyone, we just wanted to let you know how we stand under the current circumstances. As a place where people gather we do not currently feel the need to cancel classes or workshops, and as we feel part of our role is to improve the health and wellbeing of our members, it would be a shame to cancel before it is necessary to do so. That being said we are asking you to observe the following guidance in relations to the coronavirus (and any other virus)
1) Please do not attend activities at the shed if you feel unwell - this is particularly important if you are have a fever or are coughing and/or sneezing because of the increased likelihood of contaminating the community center or infecting others. We will always refund you any activity fees that you may have paid in advance, so you will not lose out financially if you have to cancel. 2) If you come to the shed, please make time on arrival to wash your hands in case you have inadvertently touched something infectious on your way to the shed. 3) If you fall sick and are told to self isolate or are told you may have the coronovirus please let us know if you have attended something at the shed so that we can tell others that may have come into contact with you, or been at the shed the same day that you were there. We will not disclose your identity - but we can let the people know if they are at risk. Thank you for your help in keeping everyone safe x Hi Sheddies! This week we attended another grants information session where we heard about other options we may pursue in the future. Two definite take home messages 1) you need to be clear about what/why/how/when and where before you even think about applying for grants 2) we need to be strategic in our approach to applications as success can slide you down the priority list for other grants! Whilst out and about this week we met some people that were under the impression that the council has given us a building and land - we would love that to be true! If you weren't aware, the Coolum Men's shed have been hiring the hall to us by the hour, and have given us some storage space. We are grateful to them for their support whilst we pursue our 'forever home'. We made contact with the community facilities team at Sunshine Coast council, but these things can take time, so we will have to just keep plugging away. We still haven't found an option for the building we have been offered - (we need somewhere to put it....) we will keep you posted if there are any developments. In other news this week, the 'Sharp Sheddies' tried the Thursday night music quiz at the Sol Bar in Maroochydore. It was a great atmosphere and a wide range of music was included. We did OK on some of the older stuff (it's trendy again!) but lacked a bit when it came to the newer tunes- if you knew what this week's 'like a version' tune on triple j was - we needed you! We won the playdough round though... Today Nell went to see Peter the beekeeper to plan some visits for our members. It turns out that bees don't like black clothes, and actually all the worker bees are female. You aren't allowed to wave your arms around or move quickly and apparently they can smell fear (not sure if Peter is having us on with that one ;-) ). It's very hard being suited up and walking into the midst of a couple of million bees, and not running screaming and waving your arms about as they buzz around! Peter has been keeping bees for 46 years and sells his honey at Erbachers. We will be having some for sale at our Open Day on the 8th August. We will be organising some visits for our members from May - the suits are just too hot at the moment! Something different this week:
Regular weekly activities this week:
Book now for:
Well hello Sheddies! And just like that, February is over and we are into March! The year is speeding by and we hope that you are finding these updates easier to keep up with what's happening at the shed.
Last week was pretty busy, and we are pretty tired - so forgive us if this update is brief! Here are some of the things that we achieved last week:
Here is what we are focusing on this week:
And finally, this is what is coming up for you to do with our members :
Of course all the details of our activities are available via our calendar here . Ok that's it for now, hope to see you at the shed soon! |
December 2024
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LocationMost activities are run from the Coolum Men's Shed Community Centre. 26 Research Street, Coolum 4573 QLD
Our purpose - connection through recreationquick links