We welcome and encourage members to suggest activities for the shed. This is the process:
Come up with an idea
(optional) send an email or chat with the general manager to discuss, discuss with other members to gauge support and interest.
Fill in the form below
We will review the form and get back to you with next steps.
We can assist in the technical side of adding the activity to our booking system, for regular activities we encourage you to take responsibility for this, but support is available.
Activities that may run at a loss or present risks to our members may take longer to review and require further discussion.
We are a not-for-profit and therefore run for our members. Activities that are aimed at marketing or selling directly to our members are not invited. Please contact us if you would like to offer discounts or other support to our members, or the Women's Shed.
Please do not enter into any agreements, financial or otherwise, until your activity has been approved by email. This form provides us with basic information about a new activity at the shed and helps you generate an attendance fee. It also provides a basic risk assessment as required by the management committee.
You can include an allowance for materials e.g. paint, clay, fabric or you can choose to charge replacement cost per person. (charged on top of attendance cost). Workshops can be a good fundraiser for the shed, and can include costs for refreshments etc. Larger projects may need grants or fundraising. We can pay facilitators if required, but they must have their own insurance. Facilitators often donate their time to the Shed.
Coordinators volunteer to take responsibility for organising the meetup or workshop and may pick times that suit them, at a frequency that suits them. Coordinators liaise with the general manager or workshop manager to book in times and add details to website.
The coordinator will be contacted to let them know if the activity has been approved. The approval is valid for one year, with any regular activities requiring a new approval each March.